The Basque Service within the Vicechancellorship of Basque offers several services and courses whose aim is to improve the quality of academic texts written in Basque. The program Terminologia Sareak Ehunduz (Weaving Terminology Networks) is also supported by the Vicechancellorship of Basque and Multilingualism, but it has been an initiative of several teachers from the Department of Basque Language and Communication.
The aim of the program is to make the real terminology and phraseology of specialized communication visible for experts, for linguistis and for those agents that participate in language normalization initiatives. This process is based on real texts that are employed in university teaching.
Apart from describing the language-resources that teachers use in teaching, the program intends to create and dynamize networks among teachers themselves, since this is will help the development and fixation of academic registers. The ultimate goal is to help the normalization of academic registers by creating tools and resources that will compensate for the weak communication networks that exist among teachers.