The starting point of the program Terminologia Sareak Ehunduz is the documents that the teachers create for their teaching. In fact, the main goal is to take steps towards the description of the real use of the experts within the university.
Each participant of the program uploads the material that he/she uses in the teaching of the subject (the teaching guide, notes, power point presentations, problems, practice-protocols, exams…) to the GARATERM work-environment. Once the texts are uploaded to the work-environment, and once they are correctly inventoried and linguistically processed, one can make searches on the GARATERM corpus. Each participant has a password that will allow him/her to upload the texts and to make searches within the corpus.
The collected texts can be used not only to make linguistic searches and analysis, but also to extract real terminology. Terms are extracted by using the term extractor Erauzterm which is integrated in the same work-environment. Then, each participant validates the term candidates that have been extracted from his/her texts, and provides the corresponding terms in other languages (Spanish, English and French). Thus, we obtain multilingual term glossaries of the subjects that are taught at the university.
The glossaries that the teacher participants create are uploaded to the tool called An On-Line System for Terminology Service (TZOS) TZOS provides options to propose terms, to look up terms, and to discuss about terms in the forums. With this infrastructure, we are gathering the real terminology used in the different subjects, and, when we collect a significant amount of terms, we will be able to describe the terminology variation. The information about terms collected in TZOS will enable experts to consult the terminology used by other experts and to make proposals for their fixation.
The GARATERM work-environment may be an interesting consultation site for agents that are involved in normalization initiatives (Terminology Committee, The Normative Dictionary Committee of the Royal Academy of the Basque language, the Basque Services of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, EIMA…), since, as information is gathered, it will be possible to check the real use of the experts before taking decisions.
Weaving Terminology Networks (TSE): processes and infrastructure